Wednesday 11 April 2012

The Mysterious Forbidden Lavatories of Manchester

Normally we at the Privy Counsel are extremely law-abiding, and would never encourage crime of any kind. However, a friend took an illegal (well, perhaps not strictly illegal. "Forbidden" might be a better, and indeed more exciting, word) picture of the toilets at the John Rylands Library in Manchester. Apparently, for whatever reason, one is not allowed to photograph these bogs. Which is crazy, because they're genuine Victorian toilets! Full of craziness! Our friend (who shall remain anonymous for security reasons) said:

"I also sat on a truly Victorian toilet in the John Rylands Library; OMG, not much has changed in the World of British Lavatories since then. Picture taking was forbidden (as these were WORKING toilets) but I managed a sneaky one."
Anonymous friend also hints that, "
YOU KNOW WHAT?! They have a massive display on toilets, taps, and sewers in the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester. I wanted to get you a postcard, but we almost got locked into this part of the museum as they were closing and kind of forgot about us. But it was all very interesting."

Ta-daa: An exclusive peek at the Forbidden Lavatories at the John Rylands library!
They look well equipped when it comes to coat-hooks, anyway...

Dear readers, go forth into Manchester, with our blessing, and explore the toilets!

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